Tuesday, January 19, 2010


I got nothing exciting going on in my life right now (i.e., I got nothing to blog about - but stay tuned! - hopefully this will change, especially now that I've added yet another vegan cookbook to my shelf: Tal Ronnen's the Conscious Cook, which joins Veganomicon and Vegan Soul Kitchen), but since it's been almost a month since I made my last entry, I figured I should say something. So, voila! Meet my cats. :)

Here's Casper - 3 1/2 year old male Turkish Angora mix (polydactyl! - thus, the nickname given by a friend: Fuzzymodo) - adopted from Zani's Furry Friends May 2008.

Casper is a little dandy - he loves cuddling, treats and brushing, and is the most tolerant cat you'll ever meet. He talks a lot.

This is Rooney (aka Rooney-tunes) - 3 year old male domestic shorthair - also adopted from Zani's in October 2009 to keep Casper company when my beloved Niamh passed away. Unfortunately, Rooney is a bully (and demands attention and affection quite insistently), and aggravates Casper to no end - I come home daily to bits of white fur strewn around the apartment.

The good news is, they do actually get along...sometimes (mutual cleaning sessions!).

And here is Niamh. I got her when she was a wee kitten from a rescue on the Upper West Side.

Niamh lived to be 14 1/2 years old - not nearly long enough. She kept me company as I moved from coast to coast and back - my pretty little calico baby.

Rest in Peace, Neemie.