Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Fashion's Night Out

Friday, September 10, 2010 at 6pm began New York City's second annual Fashion's Night Out - and what a night! Two other friends and I started our evening in SoHo (technically JUST outside the bounds of the historic district of SoHo) at Cafe Noir on Thompson and Grand - one of my favorite little bars (and usually pretty international in clientele - always fun).

We then went wandering the cobblestone streets of SoHo proper, which were TEEMING with others who wanted to see and be seen. I did my best to appear as bright-lights-big-city as possible (I got my hair highlighted and done that day!), but I was no match for the uber hip and young. Hahahahaha.


It's ok - here you can see I'm smiling ear-to-ear nonetheless, posing in front of the Chanel store on Spring and Mercer Streets.

And here's my good friend Inessa: she's a lot better at dressing up and looking the part of a fashionista (could be because she's six feet tall, Russian and stunning - grrrrr):

Our other friend requested to be cropped out of the photo, so she will remain anonymous. :)

We made our way over to Wooster and Prince to visit with another friend who was hawking her awesome wares on the street (Pillows for the People). She was too pooped to party, though, so the rest of us popped into the Issey Miyake store for some free bubbly and a peek at their...er..."crinkly" line. We found it to be a bit too...crinkly. But the bubbly was nice.

By then, we had done about as much wandering and seeing and being seen as we needed to, so we headed back to the East Village (the BEST place in New York City to be!) for a bite to eat and a bit to drink before calling it a night.

All in all, a pretty decent evening, and I'd say a must-do again next year!