Friday, November 9, 2012

ThanksLiving 2012 in Pictures

Last month, I attended ThanksLiving dinner at Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary for the fourth year in a row.  While it's a wonderful opportunity to celebrate, eat amazing food and have a great time, it's also a reminder that the killing season is upon us.  For those of you who aren't vegan, take a moment during your holiday meals to think about the suffering that led to the "food" on your plate.  And then if you think you might like to choose compassion for your New Year's resolution, ask me how: going vegan is easy-peasy, and I can help you veganize your favorite recipes and provide you with some awesome new ones. I'm helpful like that!

Meanwhile, here's a recap in pictures of my Amazing Food Adventure.  Thank you, Kevin Archer, for the delicious meal!  

The bus trip to Woodstock.

Chilling out.

Growin' my feathers back! 
Live entertainment.

Pumpkin pie soup.

Jenny Brown - co-founder of Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary.

"Beyond Meat" with 40 cloves of garlic, cornbread stuffing w/ pecan & figs, cranberry compote, winter greens medley.

Desserts by Vegan Treats!  That chocolate mound is a peanut butter bomb, BTW.