Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Summertime, Summertime, Sum-sum-summertime

The great thing about having a blog entitled "My Virtual Vanity Project" is that I can't be accused of false advertising with my posts - I write about whatever strikes me at the moment.  Unfortunately, given the amount of time that's passed since my last post, it means that I haven't been struck by much...or, maybe, that I've been really busy living in the real world!

Which brings me to today's post: summertime!  Of course, with Labor Day weekend coming up, summertime is almost over - wah, wah.  But what a summer it's been!  Especially for those of us who love the World Cup.  Below is a photo summary of my tournament month.

Here I am supporting my favorite country team with two other Azzurri fans.  Sadly, the first game was the only good one for us - a 2 - 1 win against England - because after that, we fast-tracked it to an early tournament exit, thanks in part to that infamous bite [the chomp seen 'round the world].

But at least I had a trip to Brazil to look forward to and live action in the stadium!  

(Mexico v. Netherlands, round of 16)

(Colombia v. Brazil, quarterfinals)

At the end of my time in Brazil, there were four teams remaining in the World Cup: Germany, Brazil, Argentina, Netherlands.  And with Italy no longer in the tournament, I decided to throw my full enthusiasm behind Germany.

My enthusiasm was rewarded with a fourth star for Germany and a third place win in the Smithfield - Lunasa tournament pool for me!

What did you do with your summer?