Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Pride in the City

I'm finally getting around to posting my NYC Pride pics.  It was my very first Pride march, and thanks to the Supreme Court's gay marriage decision just two days earlier, we all had special cause to celebrate.  I marched with the Center for Constitutional Rights, a civil and human rights organization that I used to work for and now donate to.  They have been fighting the good fight for almost 50 years, and among other cases, have joined with Sexual Minorities Uganda to sue Scott Lively for persecuting LGBTI Ugandans.  Cases like this remind us that - for as much as the LGBT movement had to celebrate at Pride this year - there is still so much more work to be done.      

Sir Ian McKellen - Grand Marshal #1

Sir Derek Jacobi - Grand Marshal #2

Star of the parade!

In front of the historic Stonewall Inn - where it all began in 1969.