Sunday, February 28, 2010


Here is an image from my apartment window (not the greatest view in the world, obviously), smack in the middle of last week's blizzard.  At the time, snow was still coming down and accumulating - about 48 hours of nonstop snowfall in all.  That's a lot of snow!  

Needless to say, I am so ready for spring.  T-minus three weeks and counting...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Vegan Paella Madness!

As promised in my previous post, things are getting more exciting around here, what with my new vegan cookbooks and all. Last night, I made a vegan paella from The Conscious Cook (Tal Ronnen - see previous post for link). Below, an image of the finished product in all its lovely tastiness.

And, an extreme close up:

Special ingredients included:

- Field Roast Italian (seitan) sausage, which was recommended by Tal Ronnen...but in the future, I'll stick with Tofurkey's Italian sausage, which I think has a better texture and flavor (sorry, Field Roast!);
- Oyster mushrooms sprinkled with Nori (seaweed) for that extra seafood-iness (a brilliant new cooking tip to add to my repertoire!); and
- Artichokes cooked in white wine.

And because it's just plain wrong to enjoy such tastiness alone, I invited a good friend over who came bearing a bottle of Barolo, which paired nicely with this hearty dish. Don't you wish you could've joined in the fun? :)