Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Vegan Paella Madness!

As promised in my previous post, things are getting more exciting around here, what with my new vegan cookbooks and all. Last night, I made a vegan paella from The Conscious Cook (Tal Ronnen - see previous post for link). Below, an image of the finished product in all its lovely tastiness.

And, an extreme close up:

Special ingredients included:

- Field Roast Italian (seitan) sausage, which was recommended by Tal Ronnen...but in the future, I'll stick with Tofurkey's Italian sausage, which I think has a better texture and flavor (sorry, Field Roast!);
- Oyster mushrooms sprinkled with Nori (seaweed) for that extra seafood-iness (a brilliant new cooking tip to add to my repertoire!); and
- Artichokes cooked in white wine.

And because it's just plain wrong to enjoy such tastiness alone, I invited a good friend over who came bearing a bottle of Barolo, which paired nicely with this hearty dish. Don't you wish you could've joined in the fun? :)

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