Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A little bit of Taiwan in Texas

So, I was in Texas this past weekend (San Antonio - didn't make it to Fiesta, though) visiting the folks. I spent most of the time eating mom's awesome Chinese food (and shopping for work clothes for my new job). Except for the one day the family trekked up to Austin to check out a Chinese vegetarian restaurant (for my sake) - which turned out to be a bust because access was blocked by some sort of bicycling "round up" race thing-a-ma-bob.

So. We headed over to a Chinese strip mall where my parents dumped me off at a Taiwanese cafe while they went next door and had Cantonese BBQ (blech). Below, my "lunch" - which, if you grew up on these dishes, was actually pretty exciting.


Pickled Cabbage Salad


The takeaway: after ignoring Chinese food in my cooking adventures, I think I'm now inspired to try my hand at a few dishes. Really, how can you go wrong with seaweed, cabbage and tofu???

1 comment:

  1. STEP AWAY FROM THE CABBAGE. We all know what happens with cabbage.
