Tuesday, August 17, 2010

...New York City, Let Me Count the Ways

So for what seems like the millionth (consecutive) time this summer, I walked out of my apartment into miserable heat and humidity - non-stop 90 degree temps...for WEEKS on end...blah.

(That last sentence should have ended with several exclamation points, but the weather sapped me of the energy needed to make that punctuation effort.)

This is the worst summer I've experienced in terms of temperature, because there has been almost no reprieve. And so this morning, once again, I was beading sweat after walking just half a block to the bus stop. Which means, once again, I started my work day off looking like a drowned rat - and feeling very, very, very irritable.


This is actually not a post about my sweat and misery (how boring! - not to mention a bit disgusting...) but about my need to "turn that frown upside down" (omg, can't believe I just used that phrase) so to speak - instead of bitching about NYC and this summer heat, how about I make a list of the top ten things I love about New York?!

Yeah, every once in a while I can surprise... :)

So here we go (and this is on the fly).

1. No American city has more vegan restaurants (this is true) - and no neighborhood in the city has more than the East Village (as far as I can tell).

2. And that's why I love Alphabet City (my 'hood!).

3. I've met some really cool people here - that I couldn't have met anywhere else (you know who you are...).

4. Out of town friends will visit you.

5. It's easy to get to your out of town friends (especially if they live in Europe).

6. The nonprofit sector is second to none - especially if your politics are progressive.

7. My legs are often my mode of transportation.

8. If you need something, you can find it.

9. If you need something at 4:30am - you can find it.

10. Nothing beats having drinks outdoors on balmy summer evenings.

And with that...I think it's time to grab a drink! :)


  1. and one of the things i love about nyc is sue!
    (i like how you do one post a month except for march when you did 5!!!)
    xo p

  2. LOVE THIS! Surprised by the optimism and sunny nature of the post but loved it nevertheless. You HAVE to come to BK to go to Clover Club for summertime cocktails - cucumber, gin, lemon, simple syrup, mint and soda!? Come on. Delish. And I agree with Pillows...your totally one of my favorite things about NYC.
