Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Vegas, baby!

Earlier this month, I was in Las Vegas for my sister's bachelorette - six women, one weekend of non-stop fun. Which is why I needed to carve out some alone time in between roller coasters (New York, New York), afternoon cocktails (Mon Ami Gabi @ the Paris), fancy dinners (The Mix @ Mandalay, First @ the Venetian), poolside lounging, Thunder from Down Under (oh, yes, we did) and Tao nightclub.

So I decided to have a lovely meal by myself at Otto (yes, Batali also has one in NYC), "outside" on the "Piazza San Marco" at the Venetian, where we were staying. First, a glass of Lambrusco and some bread - a simple start (breadsticks from Italy - so kitschy!) - though the addition of balsamic was questionable, IMO.

And during my meal, I had live opera entertainment on the piazza. Note the lovely weather!

And best of all, a delicious pizza (Pizza Marinara) for one...with lots of garlic to ensure that number would STAY at one.

I closed the meal with a Venetian Spritzer to go (poolside). Ahhh.

And just for fun, here's a cool shot from our outdoor table at the Paris the day before:

See you in June, Vegas!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

South Beach!

It's been several months since my last post...partly because I haven't had a moment to breathe since starting my new job at the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (woot!). I've been traveling non-stop, though I can't complain too much because one of my work destinations was Miami (love it!) for Winter Party Festival - much appreciated after a bitterly cold New York City winter. Below is a rearview pic of the Surfcomber, WPF headquarters.

And here we have a shot of the boardwalk...

...and the beach...

...where I got hit on by two 25 year old Dutch boys who followed me from the coffee shop - must've been the tight jeans, which were tight only because I bought them when I was six or seven pounds lighter. :) Hehe.

And saving the best for last, a random crowd shot (topless men!) of the WPF Sunday beach party - note the "interesting" constumes the dancers are wearing:

In case you're wondering, I'm still white as a ghost - 1) no time to lay out and 2) I had on 100+ SPF (that'll do it). Oh, well...maybe this weekend's Vegas trip will rectify my color-challenged state...