Sunday, April 10, 2011

Road trip!

So this past Sunday, I rented a car and drove (by myself!) from New York City up to Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary to do some volunteer stuff. Getting out of the city was pretty terrifying without a navigator, and I kept a death grip on the steering wheel until I got on the highway. At that point, I could relax a bit. The drive up was not spectactular - spring hasn't quite arrived and so there wasn't much greenery for my scenery. :)

Things at the farm, however, were much spring-ier. The weather was in the 60s, and the animals were enjoying the sunshine. Here are some of the ducks at the duck pond:

I thought the sheep were looking hilarious - normally I visit in the fall when their winter coats haven't grown yet. At this time of year, they are in full fur. And they posed so nicely for me! This is Louise (you can read about her story here):


I also visited with the goats (they were also chillin' in the sunshine), the cows, the chickens and one big pig on his own (Peter).

I hope to be visiting them all again soon. You should, too! Until then, why don't you make a donation? The sanctuary is smack in the middle of a matching fund drive - your donation gets doubled if you make it now! These ridiculously cute critters have survived horribly cruel starts to life - now they can live out the rest of their days as they should...with your help. Click donate to make your gift today!


  1. I love the pic of the second sheep - she/he looks like its saying wassssssssssup (sheep are always a decade or so behind in terms of pop culture and phrasology).
