Friday, March 12, 2010

Someone Stop Me (or, Terri follow up)

Today, for the fourth time in just one week, I went to Terri's for lunch - and I pretty much never go out for lunch (never), nor for dinner for that matter. So what's gotten into me? Tasty vegan deliciousness, that's what. Normally I have to do it myself - but not anymore!

I ordered the quesadilla (yes, the Daiya kick continues) and the Brazilian Bombshell smoothie (I sort of needed the vitamin/energy boost today...ahem) - and of course, they did not disappoint. The quesadilla oozed cheesy-sauce goodness, the 'chicken' had a really nice smoky flavor to it and...I might have to become a regular smoothie drinker now (though the shakes also need to be investigated - hello? BUTTERFINGER?).

Then I met owners Craig and Mike - two super-nice guys who've been part of NYC's vegan food scene for quite some time (Blossom - one of my favorite restaurants...and they support Woodstock Farm Animal Sanctuary - and Candle 79 - haven't been yet, but it's on my list). And I'm not just saying that because Craig gave me a baked-in-house apple cider donut (thanks, Craig!). Or because he's letting me put out WFAS brochures. But it didn't hurt, either. :)

But, yes - I am eating my way through the menu at Terri's. Below, a chronology of my meals:

Friday, March 5 - dinner. Bacon Cheddar Chicken Ranch and Meatball Sub (this seriously tasted like a *MEAT*ball sub).

Monday, March 8 - dinner. Buffalo Chicken and Chickpea Tuna Melt. My friend and I argued over which of these four sandwiches was the tastiest - we still can't decide. EVERYthing is consistently excellent. No joke. Which is why I'm eating my way through the menu (because I know it's all good!).

Wednesday, March 10 - coffee break. Cupcake and coffee! I was planning to enjoy both back at the office...but the cupcake never made it that far.

Friday, March 12 - lunch. Quesadilla, Brazilian Bombshell smoothie and donut (haven't tried it yet - will do so after I'm done posting so I can give it my full attention).

If you haven't been to Terri's yet, GO. You don't know what you're missing - vegan, vegetarian, veg-friendly, anti-veg...this place will not disappoint. And if you're a friend of mine who's going, make sure you invite me!

1 comment:

  1. Can you please post pictures of the food? K thx.
