Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bon Voyage and Toodle-Loo

At 4:45pm local time (Milan, Italy) this Friday, I have an appointment to see this:

Yes, one needs an appointment, often booked far in advance, because of all the Da Vinci Code nutjobs.

After checking out the sites in Milan (which I believe don't number that many), I will be getting on a train Sunday afternoon, November 22, heading to my favorite city in the world (for the 8th time in as many years):

That would be Rome, and this would be the Tevere (Tiber) and the structure in the background is the Cupola of St. Peter's (in the Vatican, of course).

(Jealous yet?)

No sightseeing for me in Rome (as I've seen most of it before), just time spent with good friends drinking good wine.

And then on Thanksgiving evening, I will be on an overnight train from Rome to Paris. I think I'll pack a bottle and make myself some friends in the couchette (ladies only). That weekend, I will see this:

And then drink more good wine - Beaujolais Nouveau will have JUST been released, so of course there will be plenty of that.

Full report when I return at the end of the month!


  1. Sue Z Q! Sounds divine! Please add the follwing to you To Do list
    1)Have some Nutella Gelato...because I can't :(
    2)See Winged Victory at the Louvre too...I think it is more, better, best than Mona...she was a let down...but see her anyway so you can say for yourself :)
    xx Can't wait to hear all about it. I'll come to NYC for the full Monty...of a story tee he

  2. Be sure to check out some good art while you're at it. Even though you live in New York, Europe is too precious to waste on boring renaissance pieces with little relevance to modern and contemporary aesthetics.

  3. Suelee, I thought my skin had taken on a greenish pallor due to the Swine Flu I've been sffering with but no...not at's actually envy of your adventure! I can't wait to hear all about it! Can't wait to see all the pics!!
