Wednesday, December 2, 2009


I am back from my European adventures! Surprisingly, I am quite happy to have returned (in part, because I missed Casper, my adorable, stuffed animal-like Turkish comment on the OTHER cat, who knocked over a brand new Xmas decoration this morning as soon as I put it up...grrr), which would, perhaps, not be the case if I didn't live in New York City. But I do,'s good to be home again. Plus, I'm tired of improvising vegan meals (ugh) and happy to be eating well (and diversely) again.

Milan. Dreary, overcast, cold, and decidedly NOT spectacular. Essentially, the city met my expectations - sorry, Milanesi (not that I know any personally).

I landed at Malpensa Friday morning before Thanksgiving, made my way to the central train station (an imposing and magnificent structure straight out of Fascist Italy), then to my hotel. And conveniently located a few doors down was...a bakery! Woohoo. I made several trips to that little bakery over the next few days for my pizza rossa (pizza with tomato sauce) and focaccine - little focaccia, topped with: olives, or tomato/tomato sauce, or onions, or potato. I tried all of them. And then went back for seconds and thirds. YUM. (Lest you worry, I also found a supermarket nearby where I was able to buy barley-malt flavored soymilk (mmm), tangerines, arugula salad, etc. - and learned that you are supposed to weigh your produce before getting in line otherwise you get really angry stares from the other people in line who have to wait while the cashier goes and weighs your items for you - oops!)

Then I was off to the city center to have a negroni before my appointment to see the Last Supper. THAT was impressive - a mural, not a small painting as I assumed.

The next day, I visited the Duomo. And took a picture. This, sadly, was the most significant structure in town, and there wasn't much else to see.

A castle/fort (Castello Sforzesco) - photos on Facebook - and La Scala, picturesque image below.

On Sunday, I happily made my way back to the train station for my four-hour Eurostar ride to the Eternal City, where warmer weather and friends awaited me...

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